Go Greener with KMEC Biomass Pellet Mill & Pellet Plant

The utilization of straw is only 5%, biomass energy needs our attention!

Straw itself is a distributed energy, which must be used distributedly. Concentrated transportation of straw is quite difficult. The generating capacity of 20 thousands kilowatts is small for thermal power, but 200 thousands tons of straw should be burnt, which is a hard job to transport straws from other places. In addition, the price of coal is cheap in some places and it has excess capacity. If the price of pellet made of straw is higher than coal, then the farmers would continue the use of coal in despite of the pollution. They would use whatever cheap. Thus, to realize the diversified development of biomass, related policies need to be carried out.

Corn Straw Corn Straw Pellets
Corn straw pellet pressed by straw pellet machine
First of all, the feedstock supply of biomass needs diversified development. To get out of the problems of competing with humans for food and competing with food for land, and use non grain raw materials to produce bio fuel. The most controversial part in biomass energy development is the effect on food supply. The Europeans proposed that, by 2020, the renewable energy should account for 10% of transportation energy use, but the fuel must be based on the waste or other more advanced products that do not involve preparation of crops for grain production. At present, the R & D and industrialization development of the second generation biomass fuel is getting better in the whole world, which also propose higher requirements on the diversification of biomass feedstock supply.
Second, it is necessary to establish a set of scientific and reasonable collection system. The biggest problem biomass energy is currently facing is the difficulty of concentrate use and the high cost of recovery and transportation. Although the amount of biomass materials in our country is huge, they are dispersed distributed and quite different from western farming patterns. A set of scientific and reasonable collection system should be established.
Third, to realize the scale of economy and industrialization. Due to the late start of China's biomass energy, with more than ten years of development, the market subjects are just some weaker small and medium-sized private enterprises. The overall level of these enterprises in technology, equipment, energy efficiency and profitability is not high. In addition, the investment and financing channel of biomass energy project is unitary. Based on the demand of energy conservation, environmental protection and new energy in our country, develop the circular economy industrial chain, cultivate the biomass gas strategic emerging industries to form a group of biomass energy production and processing enterprises armed with independent intellectual property rights to promote the scale development with industrialization and accelerate the process of commercialization of biomass energy.
Finally, improve the supporting service system and strengthen the final-period management, which is often overlooked. At present, the operational support service system of some biomass projects lacks or becomes a mere formality. Local governments focus more on the application and construction of project and not pay enough attention on the operation and management of follow-up with less energy input. The emission of biomass fuel should be less than clean natural gas boiler, but since the irrational use and auxiliary supervision of the boiler is not in place, the fuel itself is implicated, which affecting the reputation of the industry. As the saying goes, thirty percent in building and seventy in management. The running of biomass projects is closely related with the final-period management.


Peanut shell is commonly regarded useless for most farmers and would be thrown directly after being picked out. It is also a real problem to deal with peanut shells for people specialized in peanut processing. However, with the help of peanut shell pellet mill, it would be no longer a problem.