Go Greener with KMEC Biomass Pellet Mill & Pellet Plant

Wood Pellet Machines-the best Pellet Machines sold worldwide

So many individuals out there bear the intention of running a wood pellet machine domestically which is quite a fantastic pitch. Therefore, the clients actually have thought it over about producing just a small number of pellet fuel which is easier than to build up a pellet plant. Of course Kingman can also fulfil the requirements from you to make wood pellets at home. We can offer you flat die pellet mills which are small-scale wood pellet machine used favorably in your courtyard. And the flat die pellet machine can be stored inside your garage, shed, or whereever any children wouldn't have the ability to easily touch. We are also delighted to tell you that the flat die pellet press can help you make biomass pellets day and night whenever you want to put it into use. And the advantages the pellet mill possesses also lays a solid foundation for the 24/7 work.

For the part of the small pellet making machine, there is hardly any maintenance requirements for keeping them running in good shape continuously which also means there is no need for you to do this. Actually in particular for the people who usually purchase a large quantity of wood pellets, they will sooner or later come to realize what a favorable budget for them to work on a small pellet press, namely, the flat die pellet mill. Only through the meticulous calculation and practice of our pellet mill can you acquire a good real deal.

No matter what pellet machines you have, maybe a brand new machine or perhaps a secondhand pellet press. You have to be sure of  the machines  being of decent conditions. Browse the edge from the machine a lot more than other things but you could customize the edge down the road or hone that old one up.

However, the point is that you can rely on the wood pellets produced from our pellet mills as primary supply of fuel. Additionally, you will can do your best to make a contribution to the improvement of atmosphere via the use of our pellet machines. The types of materials will always be easily found so wood pellets will also be broadly available.

Wood pellet machine enjoys the features of simple structure, little space occupation, low noise, easy operation and convenient maintenance, etc. The whole work flow for the recycling use of agricultural products includes the material recycling, crushing, delivering, pelletizing, molding, discharging, cooling and packaging. If you directly feed the poultry with the raw agricultural straws, a lot of nutrients like cellulose, lignin and starch can not be fully digested. On the contrary, if you feed the poultry with the processed straw pellets, the effect would be much better.
With the development of science and technology, the wood pellet machine also has extremely profound prospects in the production field. Along with the constantly updated technology, the production of wood pellet machine also has stronger and better quality, such as resistance, continuous production in yield and energy consumption as well as processing technology and other issues will slowly make further update and development.

Kingman pellet machines are reliable and will be the best options for you!


In 2015, the import trend of wood pellet plant is still centered in Europe and Untied States. Europe is importing the pellets in ever higher volumes, burning them for electricity to meet renewable energy targets. The demand has transformed the U.S. Industry, promoting a doubling of biomass exports last year.